Friday, February 26, 2010

Company Girl Coffee Time!

Waving a big hello to my friends over at Company Girls coffee party today. Welcome! It's not everyday we can sip our coffee with friends from cyberspace.

Our plans for today have been changed. We are snowed in with another eight inches of snow overnight. The roads were awful early this morning for my husband while he was headed to work, such is the case when hitting the road extra early before the snowplows no doubt.

So, we're having a snow day today, and isn't it always something when homeschooled children beg for a snow day anyway? Our children will stop at nothing to become lost in their pursuits. Currently the lego is everywhere with special "Olympic" projects scattered far and wide.

And speaking of the Olympics, wasn't that some ice hockey game last night with Canada winning the gold medal? Our son and his wife were present for that game and I can't imagine the energy in the building, so exciting! Our hometown of Vancouver is doing a great job hosting this year's Olympic games, bravo for them.

Last weekend I was able to spend my Saturday in eastern Toronto when attending a Stampin Up (I am not a consultant, I was just a guest) conference with two other ladies from my area. Together we met outside of the local Starbucks, right when the doors opened at 6:30am. and then carpooled for our road trip of sorts to the big city until 12 hours later when we arrived back to our morning meetup spot.

I had such a splendid time crafting and card making all day long. The food was grand, the ladies were fantastic and it was just what I needed - a big crafty fun hands-on day. Are any of you crafters, either paper or other types? How about seamstresses or needle crafters? I will sneak away anytime to slip in a few minutes with my beloved projects and can't get enough of it myself these days to complete even more. In time...

We're observing the Lenten season in our home, at least continually trying to seek God in all our days as we journey through the way of the cross. We find during our days in Lent, it never fails other things drop by to harness us in all new ways and keep us grounded to reality.

Have you ever experienced something similar to this yourself? Forty days. That's it, and yet so many other crosses fall down to keep us on our knees. But it's a good place to be isn't it? :)

For instance, last week when the weather began to warm up and the icy thaw proceeded to melt off our rooftop, we sprung a few leaks inside the walls of our garage again. It seems the roofing scaffolding job that took up to two months last summer wasn't all good as we had hoped for. The builder has been contacted and away we go awaiting more thaw so it becomes safe to get up on our roof to deal with this detail.

It's Friday. The weekend is about to begin.

Our weekend is comprised of two teens requiring a ride to and from work tomorrow. Somehow they had tonight off, both of them d0. Amazing!

Our youngest daughter will tend to her barn duties and bring a friend home to celebrate a belated birthday time together.

Our youngest son has a hockey practice, a surprise one as we thought last Wednesday evening's was the last.

In between all of that, my hubby and I are hoping to sneak off for a frothy latte somewhere quiet in the hustle of our day.

And then, Sunday! A day to go to church, followed by relaxation, a bit of rest perhaps, well sort of (wink).
Too bad it's so snowy out. I'm really feeling like having a picnic.

So how are your plans shaping up for the weekend?


While you're coffee is still hot, click on over to enjoy other coffee conversation over at the Company Girls at Home Sanctuary blog with Rachel Anne.