Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine goodies

Almost thirty years ago, a friend taught a group of us how to make chocolates using molds and fondants, with assorted other yummy goodies included in the tutorial know how.

Together that evening we made many delicious finger foods to go along with our beverages. Who needed food? We had chocolate!

It was so fun to create exquisitely prepared and most scrumptious delicacies, those including peanut butter cups, turtles, kit kat shapes, chocolate caramels, truffles, and the colorful artistry on some of them created a grand desire to overindulge. And we did. We ate everything we made.

My oh my.

From then on, I continued to make, create, research new finds, purchase new molds, and begin to teach chocolate making to more friends, to our children, to their friends, to the group's we all belonged to (including our Little Flowers and Homeschool groups, etc.) and times were definitely filled with sweetness during our chocolate making sessions together.

Heck, we even made fancy butter pats - rose bud shaped pats, for use on our fresh from the oven mini scones, during our teatimes in the afternoons.

Within no time at all I soon realized my chocolate molds owed me absolutely nothing on my financial investment return.

My growing collection and materials had been a really small price to pay for so much fun.

And then we moved.

And then all of these things were put away and not used for a long while...

Fast forward to this year when I became intent on unpacking and washing up my chocolate molds and various accessory items for the first time in a few years.

They were all new and all so exciting for the younger ones living here, and a first time introduction to chocolate making soon began. It was round number "four" here for me folks teaching yet another set of children.

First we required a fresh batch of molding chocolate bits from the bulk store, a fun store to visit, the last one on my list during our last errand day when we were in town.

It was indeed my lucky day while shopping at this store for a few items to begin our Valentine's Day chocolate making. For every 15.00 spent, one was gifted with a 5.00 return gift card.
Woohoo.... we'll be back!

In particular, one young lady (daughter) seemed to return to the countertop over and over again with hopes of making all of her friends at the barn chocolates for last weekend's chores and riding times. And she did.

And she loved this chocolate making stuff so much, that both she and her brother have a shopping list for making upcoming Easter items in the near future.