Friday, November 19, 2010

sugar dusting

** I wrote this a bit ago, had trouble uploading my photos with my slow internet, thus the delay...

Coupled with the fact the skyline was filled with several colorful rings around the moon, and rainbow blasts of color shooting from its center core the night before last, yesterday I also welcomed the snowy white with open arms.

Such strange beauty rendered the skies ominous, and almost eerie. We found they were the beginnings of the "Leonid meteor showers", which seemed to calm down a very freaked out older son who wondered greatly what in the world was happening to the skies when out for the late evening dog walking duties. Even at that later hour, he alerted all here, and texted many friends to get outdoors and check it out.

You see, we had rain for two days, accompanied by darkened gray skies, so wet and so dreary.

I found everyone here wanting to climb back into bed during the day, me included.

We woke today to calm and bright and the promise of a lovely day. It may be short lived though, for we are expecting more rain in the forecast which will wash this all away. boohoo.... Until then, we'll just cuddle up and enjoy this weather.