Thursday, April 18, 2013

The winter that would never end!

     “It was such a spring day as breathes into a man an ineffable yearning, a painful sweetness, a longing that makes him stand motionless, looking at the leaves or grass, and fling out his arms to embrace he knows not what.” 
~ John Forsythe

      Today as I type this post, I am once again quietly plagued, with yet another slowly developing sinus infection. Only on one side of course, the side I sleep on. Drats! 

This winter may never end, at least that's what most folks around these parts are thinking.

Currently, there is a thunder storm brewing outside, complete with visiting monsoon rains and rather large balls of hail.

Just two days ago, all of the accumulated winter snowfall on the ground finally thawed. Well almost. 

As today's weather forecast heads into the 25C range, the report for Saturday isn't wrong, but feels like it should be, with snow arriving again and temperatures spiraling back down to 1C. 

This has been the longest winter I've ever experienced in my whole life, not a bad thing, just l-o-n-g! 

Though, I am a snow-loving woman, I'm not totally sorry to see the snow disappear to expose the dead looking bush and bramble on our back property, for I have been enjoying observations of returning robins attempting to dig through the snow to the solid core beneath in search of nourishment. 


Oddly enough, even in extreme weather conditions, life in nature rotates with the seasons.

While local coyotes howl on the warmer spring nights, the horses must be fetched from recently thawed outdoor paddocks, with their softened (temporary) mud caked hooves. Much to everyone's dismay at the barn, this creamy muck adds great effort to their tacking up details, specifically having to ensure a proper cleaning, brushing and scrubbing of horse's feet, legs and tails, before any riding pleasures can commence. 

It's definitely been an odd year to say the least. 

This week, while the snow was "still" thawed, I threw in the towel and had my husband and daughter remove the spigets and sap-filled buckets hanging from our trees. 

I'm done with the boiling and stove top monitoring duties. It's time to roll up our sleeves and get outdoors, in a much different way. 

We have but a month on our open window timeline, at best, until the thick of bug season begins anew again, so enough of winter, let us begin clearing up our forest floor, and pathways out back before we turn into half eaten insect-pricked-pin-cushions

The broken branches now exposed since winter's frozen thaw, and those additional ones from last week's severe ice storm dearly require our attention. Many hands do make work light..

The incredible amounts of road salt and sand brought home this year from our vehicle's winter tires, has our garage and driveway begging for a good pressure washing. 

Our work efforts on our doorways' indoor carpets will have a slight reprieve, from the daily, sometimes twice daily vacuum sessions necessary these past weeks, from sand also entering on the bottom of our footwear. I've never seen so much of the stuff! Honestly!

All is well though with the changing of yet another season. After enjoying the winter sun's daily teasing, the freezing nights and continued snowy days seems to offer another story. Some want to ask about the obvious; "Are you really sure spring has sprung?"

Another sudden round of colds and flus has hit the entire area it seems, a concern as they always tend to be in our home.  

For me, cold or warm, I have a growing and grand desire to continue focusing on obtaining more fresh air, even if just having doors open wide (brrrrr) for a time. I'm wanting to begin placing outdoor furniture back on the decks (now that the snow left this week), and hoping to very soon take my daily cup of tea out on the back steps (think COLD butt!)

I'm dreaming of the simplest of pleasures to begin again, just the ability to enjoy witnessing springtime buds aplenty, hearing the singsong of birds while nesting, and hoping to spot returning familiar little critters in our forest and meadow out yonder.  

Since spring has sprung, or is arriving so late here, there are yet so many things to look forward to observing, and enjoying ahead. And with spring, all things new and beautiful await our wintery weathered souls. Everything will begin feeling clean and fresh again, time will slow down just a little with the longer days allowing for respites before bed because the sun still shines, and everyone will once more begin migrating out of doors just because...

In light of all the good and evil happening in our world this past month, there is a pressing need to keep up the faith, for there is so much lately to ponder, much to continue offering prayer for, and still - so much to be thankful for. 

There is comfort and joy, and then very quickly, there is indescribable sadness that often lacks understanding.

Life is indeed very fragile... Everyday is an absolute gift... please remember to live it well my friends.

“Life is fragile and temporary. 
 The faces of today quickly become the faces of the past. 
 Sorrow, pain, and anger... it all fades- except love.  
Love is forever and there after, even when we've fallen to our graves.” 

~ Lee Argus