Thursday, August 07, 2008

The promise of a new day

The promise of a new day

A new day has dawned

After last evening's sky threatened us with yet another storm, this morning began with a welcoming shift in the heavenly cloud formations above when the sun began to climb high enough to rise above the questionable clouds shown here.

I so love my early mornings out on the road driving children to their commitments, watching the sun rise each day thus far, because I would not be able to capture the true essence of such a beautiful beginning of a promising day otherwise.

In the wee hours of this day

Lest you feel my days are overflowing with activity, I promise you there is nothing quite so calming and peaceful as an early morning out of doors, listening for an endearing whisper from the heavens above, feeling a slight fluttering morning nuzzle from a guardian angel, or before taken back with a sweet hush from those around me, also seemingly mesmerized by the same experience resonating from the same moments. It is definitely well with my soul during these early morning hours.

Three times each week I get to curl up with my morning coffee fresh from a local drive-in restaurant while en route from one drop off to another. Lucky me!

It is there in the serenity of the early morning hours where I seem to find my most personal and satisfyingly sacred moments.

It is there where I seek guidance for the new day before me when closing my eyes and sucking back the morning's dewy air, and there where my mind clears especially when my morning prayers have already been uttered before leaving home, already feeling optimistic for the rest of the day.

It is there where I feel no rush to move, or the force upon my weary heart to hurry up and make snap decisions , nor gather unpleasant interruptions, feeling shielded by this perfect start of another blessed day.

Like my husband, my head and heart have been at war lately. My head knows what we must do. My heart is hurting from having to commit to making the life changing decision we sealed today.

But, as always, in these morning hours, I am allowed to just sit and "be still".

Here is one spot where I happily submit
to just being still with my own soul


Or to tease you, perhaps it is here below too somedays!

...still more to come, I'm almost finished the rest...