Monday, December 31, 2007

Send out the old, bring in the new!

Happy New Year...
on the eve of 2008!

Sending our love to you!

Sending out the old and bringing in the new requires a steadfast dedication to several things; a willingness to have thanksgiving for the moments of the year past, and hope for the blessings of the new year ahead. We choose to absolutely keep both in mind!

FAITH... is believing in things unseen.

As this eve of a New Year progresses moment to moment, at least our minds are occupied with this lovely addition to our telephone center, offering all a brainy moment to capture a thought or two and fill in the blanks of the crossword puzzle.

Imagine having a brand new page each and every day in over the entire year ahead to work on? Everyone so far has gotten into the act, and the January 1 date is slowly filling up with our answers. Think, think, think....and we are already ahead of ourselves for the upcoming new year, at least on this calendar near the telephone !

Happy New Year to you and yours!

P.S. I was very inspired by Randi at "I have to say" to try my hand at the candy cane photo above. What fun I had, but the sun wasn't appearing for a brighter shot that day. Check out Randi's, she the pro and her photos is outstanding.