Sunday, December 16, 2007

Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland

Early this morning I peered out to see this...

We were warned and prepared in advance of the impending arrival of a whopping snow storm. During the afternoon yesterday, snow fell intermittently and the landscape was looking mighty fine. Before crawling into bed last night, we peered out the windows and noticed more misty snow was falling, a wetter snow almost like rain in appearance.

Since the snow storm was supposed to arrive this morning, we knew we were most certainly going to remain home from church this day, and likely our son's hockey game would be canceled for later on this evening. It was by 7:30am this morning when a telephone call rang with a message.

As the snow falls, visibility comes and goes.

Rising from our evening rest, again we peered out of the windows to notice the beautiful and most gorgeous winter wonderland surrounding our home. How lovely it is, as the snow continues to fall. The winds have picked up allowing the performance to commence for larger snow drifts about the property. It seems funny to notice the back deck having a completely clear staircase, as the wind continues to swirl the snow off of it. A-ha! No shoveling necessary on those stairs at all.

As the day proceeds, we've noticed an abundance of smaller birds rustling about on and around the bird feeders, chomping away at the seed there for their convenience. Likely we can learn much from these little creatures, remain indoors and proceed with a hot meal in case the power ceases for a time. We are prepared for anything this day, but I must admit, I just love it all!

Birds flock to the feeders in abundance.