Sunday, June 04, 2006

Goodbye to the "cousins"

The "Cousins" on Plymouth Beach

One by one, relatives began to head towards the airport, to catch their flights, or drive in their cars and head onward for the long drive home. We stayed longer than most of those present for the Memorial Day weekend, mostly to catch a few more sights and tours.

The dynamics of the weekend were interesting and heartwarming. Little ones met cousins they didn't know well, and the very youngest ones had plenty of loving arms to hold them close.

It was cute to hear a two year old announce to whomever - "You're my best cousin", someone she hadn't remembered meeting before.

We'd like to thank Helen (and her family of course) again for organizing this event in honor of her late husband, Doug, as well as offer us somewhat of a vacation personally, surrounding that weekend celebration.

Thanks again too to Haik, what a host. Great coffee Mr. Nabob! We'll be back to have a spin on your boat in Plymouth harbour soon.

Bonds were formed, ties strengthened and promises to visit more declared. Meanwhile, for sure, until next year then, to our family, the cousins, and all the friends we caught up with, we shall meet again on Memorial Day, 2007