Can you guess what time period this picture was taken in?
Celebrating for a while, be back soon.
Lent is upon us with Ash Wednesday happening tomorrow. We gobbled down our pancakes this morning on this "Shrove Tuesday", the eve of Lent. Did you know many restaurants are offering free pancakes tonight, or partial payment for a stack? International House or Pancakes for instance - free! Make a note to take part in this next year and it's growing as a tradition around here for certain, almost every church had a special Shrove Tuesday pancake dinner, McDonalds restaurant offered pancakes all day long, as well as all you can eat at Smitty's and IHOP after 10am.
Lent represents forty days of reflection before Easter, beginning of course on Ash Wednesday and we skip Sundays when we count the forty days, because Sundays commemorate the Resurrection. Lent begins on
Lent occurs in the midst of springtime, another waiting period as we prepare for Easter. Usually Lent is a time period where we willingly choose to abstain from certain pleasures, denying ourselves things as a sacrifice, and at times avoiding unnecessary grand feasting, saving the rejoicing for after Easter Sunday, Our Lord's day of his resurection, our hope for eternal life. It’s always been a more humble and somber time in many ways in preparation for a journey into the desert for spiritual renewal. It’s a personal journey for everyone, and also for every family. In a nutshell, it's a time to grow closer to God.
Those days so long ago seem reminiscent of our current year, as we are in a flurry completing necessary arrangements for another feast during Lent, a day which just happens to fall into this time period all these years later. This one is a particular grand occasion happening soon, one which holds high value and extreme importance to us as a family in general. Plans were decided upon over a year ago, coming ever closer now to its fruition.
Admittedly, I'm finding it to be a rather poignant time personally, with Lent being observed at the same time as feasting yet again, and yet feel as though we’ve already been in a Lenten for several months now.
"Whoever wishes to be my follower must
deny his very self, take up his cross each day,
and follow in my steps."
(Luke 9:23)
Do you ever find there are moments in life where you have been blessed with both the sweet and the savory, almost a bittersweet tenderness, so gentle and fragile, it becomes enormously emotional? This is how we are feeling the past few days as hubby and I ponder and reflect upon our Lenten preparations.
some personal, some communal,
all beautiful when done with love.
So then, with the events before us,
do we still sacrifice?
This year will be purposely and markedly different initially for our family's Lenten journey, remaining ultra flexible in our selected goals to achieve during these next forty days, and yet, still observe Lent as a whole, offering our whole hearts with easy simplicity, keeping a balance of the beauty we thrive to seek.
" Let us feast and do so then with great joy! "
The following was sent to me this week, a superb reflection for sure, and now I'm passing it along to you to ponder for your Lenten journeys ahead...
Windy drifts gathering near the
fence before the hardest snowfalls.
With recent temperatures hovering around -25 degrees with wind chill factors down to -35 degrees in total, the air is freezing and nippy for sure, but the sun makes it so lovely. I met a woman this week in the grocery store sporting a lovely tan, and when the conversation ensued over where she had been, she remarked right here when she went outdoors for some cross country skiing!
Trampoline for a midget? Lots of snow!
Snow along roadsides was over
five feet in height, or more.
As well, there was so much wind blowing the falling powder last week, we had four to five feet up against our fence, and every hour the back doors had to be checked for snow gathering up against the doorways.
Blowing snow is the worst, notice the ripples here.
The snowsqualls and blowing wind are the most hazardous, surely you've heard all over the news how upper New York had snow squalls hitting hard with an accumulation of up to 11 feet of snow recently.
And the sun always shines here!
Hubby poses just down the road for me.
A neighbor enjoys roaming our front yard
with his skidoo after yesterday's fresh new snow fall.
The biggest thrill; finally out of a car seat.
What a girl wants, a horse of course!
My new horse camp set.
This little gal’s claim to fame is the fact she holds the record for being the latest to greet her family in this big new world. She threatened to arrive five weeks before her due date, several trips were made to the hospital when we weren’t sure but wanted to take precautions. Overall, she fooled us well when she ended up being fifteen days later than anticipated; once again I had to be induced (boohoo) for her to finally decide to come out from her cozy warm hiding place.
Both grandmothers adoring you the day of your birth.
Being the baby...
Rather than being the spoiled baby, there are times when she has to accept the fact there are many other babies in the family as well surrounding her and takes her position well.
born in the month of love and hearts.
Lovely road conditions to travel this day.
Little did we dream a fresh snow fall would be the driving condition to travel to the scout camp where they’d be staying though, so it was most interesting to note several other scouting groups also participating in their winter camps, one younger group (The Beavers), one older group (the Scouts), then the VERY brave group who pitched tents outside in the -10 degree snowy weather (The Ventures).
The camping list included all the basics, bringing a helmet and sled were even on the list noting the recent weather conditions locally. It wasn’t noted however to bring along a mattress, so through trial and error it won’t ever be forgotten in the future. Our son’s first camping experience offered little in the way of sleep from strange noises surrounding him in the one room cabin, let alone a very hard surface to lie upon. Triple bunks were the norm in this cabin, located on three sides of the inner walls, tables, and benches in the center, and a kitchen area on the last wall. I haven’t mentioned a washroom here, so why not guess where the bathrooms were. Yes, a short walk away, down a bit of a path and you can bet no boy was brave enough to run out there for too long and especially not during the dark of night.
Hiking was the mode of entry,
an unexpected surprise (and workout)!
As I arrived at the designated parking lot, I noticed no cabin around the area and luckily arrived at the same time one leader and his son were loading up a toboggan to haul along the snowy paths. Little did I expect the incredible workout ahead awaiting us all, lucky for me too, I brought my older son along to help.
Taking a little break, napsack was heavy.
We had to hike up two very large mountainous hillsides, down into the valleys, meandering along long paths, until at last; we arrived at the boy’s assigned cabin. Truly, I thought the leader was joking, but we all made it just fine carrying a suitcase, large garbage bag with sleeping bad/pillow/blanket contents, sleds, food to contribute, knapsack, hockey helmet, and oh, my purse! I had no gloves (dumb!) and my hands were frozen before reaching the first hill summit! No Kleenex tissue in my pocket either, so all of us were sniffling all the way up and down our pathways. The park ranger roared by on his skidoo, and at one point I was most tempted to ask him for a ride. Once
arriving at the cabin however, we were able to unthaw a while, settling in our son with all the other boys and marvelous participating fathers we’ve come to know as very good family centered men.
Two badges were being worked on during this mini camp session, those being the “winter camp badge’ and the “Hiking badge”. Snowshoes were worn for one of the hikes, useful with the recent snow falls of three feet and more gathering up in one area of the mountainside. Two other hikes were on the agenda, all campers and their fathers/leaders participating, one hike had been scheduled during the dark for a night owl hike, flashlights in hand.
Rules of the camp!
Toboggans, sleds and snow boards came in handy but none of the boys were allowed to take a ride down the hill nicknamed “Broken bones”, as the many trees lining the run were much too dangerous enjoy a gleeful ride around them all. Helmets were mandatory nevertheless, and of course, all the boys and big boys (men) were passing some of the time making jumps to zoom over along the way.
The first hike - Snowshoes!
As usual the campers eat very well at these camps; all enjoy a toasty warm campfire and lots of creative activities with the badge goals at the forefront of the planning for agendas to follow. The next camps for both the younger ones are for the entire families to participate in, sleeping in tents! Did I mention my hubby hates to camp and we’ve never owned a tent large enough to enjoy such an event? Uh-boy!
Heading back to the parking lot,
downhill before the climb.