Seasonal Traditions!
If you’ve ever seen the film, or play of “Fiddler on the Roof”, immediately you’ll sense how important “traditions” are when recalling how Tevye (the father) reacted in one particular scene…”Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!” he shouted.
In our home, our family has become accustomed to many seasonal traditions, established over many years, inevitably continuing on today. If I might forget to take the time for preparing yet another yearly occasion/event or whatever, (or a few), I’m quickly reminded in a flash that "it’s our tradition" (How dare I forget!) to do whatever I’ve omitted, thus a fire is swiftly lit underneath of me to get on with it. Sometimes I chuckle at some of the adopted traditions important to everyone (especially the odd impulsive ones enjoyed on a whimsical and blustery moment's notice), but the children tell me it’s “our family tradition” (deep inside I’d wonder just how I missed that, only having done it maybe - once before). So, if it’s important enough to them to complain, we proceed to do it all over again. This is truly just how traditions begin, isn’t it, one year at a time.
As wisdom comes with age, I have obtained enough “A-ha” moments over the years to know when something has become important enough to the children to secure a repeat performance if all are gamed. When I have not been aware of something from the past, the older children have rallied and made it happen for us anyway. Funny how that happens.
The four seasons in any given year present a myriad of opportunities to enhance our family life by sprinkling a wee bit of fairy dust about, surprising the gang with something new, something old, or something so emotionally tangible, clearly it couldn’t be that time of year without it present once again.

Our family traditions developed over the years, seem to have blessed and provided enough heartfelt memories, with each one, we have opted to either formally instill and/or continually recall each season's subject specific within our family when necessary. Likely whether it was remembered on purpose or something only stumbled upon, the children seem to stick it onto our yearly calendars as a must-do item. Often times the calendar is quite full and we must choose but a few. That's okay too as long as we remember the most important ones to them.
As the topic of autumn has been in many of my recent posts, I'm certain it doesn’t come as a surprise to you, to announce another of “mother’s traditions!”
Tradition! Tradition! Mother’s Tradition!

I’ve always loved photography and playing with a camera to view the world through my camera lens in odd sorts of ways. Our children have a plethora of photos in the family memory vaults to last all of them forever, with double copies of all sorts of shots taken at various angles and lighting situations, even triples. Now with the new (super duper!) digital technology, our family jointly accesses a photo upload center, sharing our photos over the miles, keeping in touch with our separate lives.
Each fall when the morning air becomes crisp, so fresh and cool, and when a particular day’s weather co-operates (read- no rain!), usually with the sun shining overhead, mother suddenly announces; “Everyone grab a jacket, we’re off for fall photos at the park!”. Off we travel in search of stunning and colorful natural settings, or in public gardens for our background desires.

This particular “Renee’s Tradition” became a part of the family’s photo scrapbooking history when I gathered the gang on impulse one fall morning to do this, and when I picked up my photos from the developers, they gifted me with an enlargement of the children. The clerk went out of his way to corner me before leaving, requesting to use the photo under their glass countertop, as all the photographers on site agreed all the photography details were perfect in the photo. I thanked him for the free enlargement - lotsa $$$ in those days. I convinced myself it was just a lucky shot!
I’m pleased to let you in on a little secret here, this seasonal photography has continued since then, and I’ll be sharing (Renee’s traditional walk back over the seasons) those seasonal photo gem occasions with you on my blog's sidebar at the beginning of each new season in the future. I
have a few here to scan before I upload them, so keep checking.
There are times I will confess teens roll their eyes at the seasonal announcements, not wanting to participate, but I bribe them. That's the real secret you know; bribe them! snicker
There have been moments my photo archived treasures were caught suddenly, by slamming on the brakes (not really, but doesn't that sound like something so exciting, it must be worth doing it for?) and pulling over to the side of the road. On one such occasion, I'd obviously been admiring the autumn backgrounds enough to bark out an order, this time for someone older to stand as my photo subject near a specific area nearby (safely). The photo below is one of those wild and strange moments when our son was playing hockey away from home, and I had to the opportunity to visit him where he was living. After a tiring morning hockey practice, I asked him to hop out of the car so I could take this photo. Much to my dismay I wasn't able to capture the color I witnessed there on that roadside, and I'm sure this son can tell you I was completely out of my mind at that moment for desiring a photo such as this one. Actually, I can still laugh about it ten years later myself! What can I say? Every picture truly tells a story to those who snap them.

Traditions! They continue as the children leave home and develop their own renditions, believe me.
Our daughter the newlywed, shared a spectacular photo of herself amidst a flurry of leaves falling around her, after throwing them all up into the air. I recognized the park as the one we had frequented and inquired if that was the one where her photos were also taken. Sure shooting she said, and it was a family tradition to get to the park for those fall photos, so with hubby along, the two of them did just that – take photos in the park with autumn colors all about them.

As they leave home, they
carry traditions with them.
Two grown children shared with me the autumn traditions they have carried into their married lives this past week, and my hubby and I found it wonderful to hear the ones they’ve chosen to use, those still dear to our own hearts, those we too continue with the younger ones today.

Aside from colorful autumn leaf park photos, as mentioned in my last post, getting to the pumpkin patch is special for us still today. it's a tradition! This past weekend, we did just that, and the weather co-operated very well with the sun shining upon us, and the air was as crisp as any autumn day can behold. Wonderful! Memorable! Tradition!

I like this one!

Adventures through four corn mazes!

Assorted animals surrounded us.
The hog race was the funniest thing!
I can't encourage you enough to enjoy making traditions with your family, however humble, small, or seemingly insignificant. They matter. They really matter. Mark my word; you will know….year after year when the request comes in yet again, for another round of the same thing. Tradition!
Fall Follies

And they each hit the tire mark,
for two free shots!