Friday, November 09, 2007

To Market

To Market!

With the weather changing rapidly from a typical fall day, and into a wintry mode, local farmers surrounding us are capitalizing on the finer weather to bring in their crops before the ground freezes.

As we travel about observing the vast crop filled fields, the farming community here still amazes me, and has created more awareness of the farming geographically our country is known for with its exports. I still enjoy watching the farmers scurrying about, attempting to beat upcoming poor weather reports, often working night and day to get their crops shorn.

Recently we were made aware of the progress with the modern farming equipment. Many farmers have the option to continue cutting their fields row by row, row by row again, something so monotonous, and watch a DVD at the same time with their TV screen sets right in their cab with them. They can grab a cold drink from their small refrigeration units, or a sandwich stored inside when they're hungry. They have the option to install surround sound to make a theatrical feel to their work sessions, or pop in their own selection of music for the same thrill. Starting prices for these shiny new beasts begin somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred plus thousand dollar with no frills. And this is just the combine! Imagine!

Two weeks ago the farmer came around and cut down the corn crop across the street. By nightfall, we noticed he was still working with his headlights shining before him, and there he remained until the wee hours of the morning, when all was complete. He pulled off an "all-nighter", just to get the crop completed. Some farmer's wives hop on board with their husbands to watch movies with them and keep them company.

We finally turned the furnace on this week, as we haven't required the extra heat inside the house yet. Today we have a mild 39 degrees with a chill in the air as the evening has rolled in.

It's Friday night, the night when many young teens arrive in our sports court to play hockey together, their small hockey league a favorite evening together for all of them. Tonight as they continue scrambling about, and sweat rolls down their eyebrows into their eyes, I noticed how much more bundled up they are for the hockey action ahead of them.

Each two on two team has its own color to represent themselves, most are bundled up with a hockey jersey of some sort over top, ( just way more cool, ya know?) and playing their hearts out under the outdoor lighting affixed to the fencing for the evening, as well as the barn and outdoor house lights shining upon them as they play.

What a great season we have upon us! Farmers shearing the fields, and young men slapping a ball around for the evening.
