And so...
the visit with my parents is now but a wonderful memory.
Wow, our time together zoomed by, and what amazing weather we had to usher them eastward and share our days with one another.
Autumn vistas met us wherever we went, true to the east's reputation for having tremendous blasts of fall color everywhere!
Several excursions were possible, with sun to kiss our cheeks along the way and roads dry for our travels.
Visiting the "Holy Martyrs Shrine" three times in a row with recent out of town guests (my parents, our son, my brother), I would have to assume this was also a highlight for my parents when we had summertime temperatures to make it possible.
Last year during the Christmas season, I drove them up to the Shrine area, closed for winter but viewing made possible when across the street from the venue.
I remember telling them they should get out of the vehicle, to walk on "holy ground" where "saints also once lived". This time they were able to venture inside the compounds and really take in the entire story as history unfolded right before their eyes.
History indeed does comes alive when one is able to gulp back the almost overwhelming idea of those who set foot on these premises, the men who ventured here to preach the good news and evangelize the new world, and also to learn of the native tribes who either befriended or murdered them to become the "martyrs" they are known to be today.
Holy Martyrs indeed!
Attending our daughter's horse show events at a local country fair in similar summertime weather conditions, made for an interesting day when having to move to the shade from extreme heat.
It was the most wonderful country fair parade and horse show day, with so many prizes and additional fun events not seen before.
When two women get together, often times they are able to enjoy what my friend "Allison" calls something akin to; "Estrogen-filled moments".
My mother and I had a few opportunities to enjoy some of those "womanly moments" together while she remained with us for an extra week.
This one below was one of my and pedicure day.
One thing is for sure.
When out of town guests arrive to stay with us for a time, there is action in abundance around here, oftentimes things become ultra busy for our family as our schedule dictates the timing in and out of the house.
One has to be willing to go with the (sometimes) super busy flow of eventful days, rolling along with our normal family life as it is, as we aren't always able to drop everything due to the fact, company might be in town.
This is something my parents know well, roll with the flow well, assist anywhere they can (my mom likes to iron, grin, grin), and when it became time to get on the road, they swiftly complied by donning their jackets and shoes yet again, to tag along and join in the taxi riding pleasures.
Good sports I would say, even though sometimes I think we completely wore them out and an afternoon nap for them often seemed like a great idea. Besides, they were on vacation right? :)
For example, while my parents were here;
- We were able to pick up at the airport because the timing worked well when we were already in the big city with medical stuff. Due to distance and timing, often we encourage our out of town guests to use alternative transportation to get to our home if arriving on the weekends, just too far to travel when not already city bound during the weekdays. So my parent's arrival and departure timings were planned ahead in conjunction with our schedules, just perfect and all ended up working well for everyone.
- We attended the country fair parade, and our daughter's horse show event for several hours the day after their arrival.
- We held "neighborhood hang out visits" as per usual when they occurred, children and teens here often in our midst.
- We were able to get to the Holy Martyrs Shrine, a highlight for them this visit.
- We hosted a girl's weekend, birthday party and gal movements to town.
- We ran teens to and from work as the scheduling dictated.
- We celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with family in our home for the first time since moving to the east.
- We saw a great movie all together - "Secretariat" and what a movie for horse crazy girls to see! Shhhh, don't tell anyone but my dad enjoyed it so much, he saw it again. Twice. Once with my brother when he was in town to visit with him. LOL
- We took my parents for dinner to celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary. Indian food no less, new to all and so very yummy!
- We took in a homeschooling day with several parishioners, our once per month activity.
- We went to mass for the thanksgiving weekend, thankful for our time with one another.
- We still managed to complete schooling lessons for the most part.
- We managed to keep our regularly scheduled everything-else rolling; ice hockey, optometrist appointments, french classes, horse riding, and guitar lessons.
- Anywhere time allowed, we escaped around things for taking tea, shopping, exploring, waterside gazing, more shopping, more tea shops, and even more kid pickups when necessary.
- We had to part our ways and say so long for now when our visit came to an end.
Rest up now, and see you again, next time....