Canadian Thanksgiving falls on the second weekend of October, Columbus day is its equal in the USA.
Believe me when I say, Thanksgiving in Canada is just as revered as it is in the USA, not a single commercial establishment was opened on the long weekend Monday. Except for the movie theaters. Oh, and a son having an afternoon ice hockey game.
As is commonplace in our family, we enjoyed our traditional thanksgiving dinner on Sunday evening, allowing us a more leisurely long weekend Monday the following day.
Good thing for opened theaters as we were able to take in a great movie altogether called; "Secretariat".
A lovely lighting ambiance isn't exactly conducive to great photo lighting opportunities. However, I'm not feeling too shy here, and will share these with my audience for they will end up in the family archives when the next blog book is published.
And besides, they are all I have.
blush, blush.
For the past three years my parents have shared and celebrated Christmas with us. Each year as we rang the New Year bells, they were here.
After being in the east and experiencing wild winter weather all three visits, the idea of celebrating in a different holiday together was quite welcomed by all.
What better way than to share Canadian Thanksgiving then with them here in the splendor of Autumn and all its blast of color, and a season this year so much better than last with sunshine and blue skies, let alone the panorama of fall's sensational hues.
Our first Thanksgiving with extended family members in our home to celebrate with us was special indeed.
the excitement of wonderful aromas,
golden, harvest-themed décor,
the best linens, china and silver.
Thanksgiving is...
platters of of special Thanksgiving foods
prepared only once a year,
mmn...mmn... mouths watering,
ecstatic taste buds quivering with joy.
Thanksgiving is...
the family all around the table,
clean, dressed, smiles all around,
recitation of what we are thankful for,
the saying of grace,
our special Thanksgiving prayer.
And now, finally, dig in!
We are thinking of you
at Thanksgiving, and hoping
your Thanksgiving experience
will be surrounded
by a special glow in your memory.
~By Joanna Fuchs
We celebrated and feasted together, giving thanks for all things - the good and even the not so good was clearly on my mind.
And this post wouldn't be complete without mentioning one tiny fact. WOW, was our thanksgiving meal EVER GOOD!
My husband decided to take over the kitchen for this evening.
His meal menu included;
- an organic grain fed turkey
- brussel sprouts (I've always hated these myself, but it's become a family tradition to have them alongside the turkey for some reason.)
- homemade stuffing (hubby's secret ingredients with fresh rosemary throughout)
- slices of fresh cucumber and cooked/sliced beets/fresh tomatoes
- homemade cranberry sauce (splash of orange juice, fresh cranberries, blueberries, and more hubby's secret ingredients - Chunky and Scrumptious!)
- homemade and most delicious gravy
- fresh baked croissants
- pumpkin pie and whipping cream.
(I needed a photo and he complied to allow me to snap this one)
After working in the kitchen all afternoon, those aromatic smells drifting through the house had its incredible temptation getting the best of him...smiling
Last but not least, shortly before dishing out the pie for dessert, we had a faux singsong mini birthday celebration for our eighteen year old daughter, who chose to wait and officially celebrate the following weekend with out of town friends arriving from our former home area.
She was smitten with this itty bitty thoughtful gesture. See her sweet little grin?
Yes. She was smitten. :)