Friday, December 10, 2010


... so how's yours going?

In case these may be of some interest to you, I'm enclosing a couple of links to former posts written in Advent last year, sharing our own family traditions over the years;

Children and ADVENT

And, you can read several other posts I wrote about last year on Advent ideas to use with your own family by clicking the link below;

Advent; additional ideas to create your own family traditions

So often we may be caught up in "life" and overlook ordering our days properly during the Liturgical year, sometimes forgetting about the importance of such seemingly childlike things. No matter one's age though, there are very appropriate ways to prepare so when the season is upon us, we're ready to embrace all of the blessings it offers.

Hoping not to appear like someone poking in if you're not preparing, with your already busy lives, though I just cannot impress upon you enough how joyful and meaningful this season of Advent becomes to both child and adult alike when one takes seriously these days in our midst of "preparation", placing it right on top of the family's priority pole.

For we all know we are preparing for the coming of the Christ child, but the simple question becomes ~ to what extent are we indeed willing to prepare as a family?

It only takes a few minutes each day to gather and partake of something truly memorable, impressing upon little hearts (and ours too in the process) the unfolding story of our salvation, then leave the rest to the child after offering your lead.

I can still recall quite vividly when I was in Grade four, and shortly before the morning school bell rang, I had to race towards my classroom outer window to peek inside.

As my nose pressed against the icy cold glass, and my hand helped shield my eyes from the daytime glare, it was then I felt my heart skip a happy beat because the calendar date had been already turned, and through that wintry cold glass plating with steam forming where my nose and mouth were resting, no one could be more excited than I that "December 1st" had just winked good morning to me.

That very day provided me with many warm memories, something so simple, and yet, I still think of it often as an adult.

And oddly enough, no one else raced to the window to see such a thing. Only me - smiling still as I reflect on that heartfelt and long time ago most memorable moment. It was only I at the window peering in.

You see, Advent meant so much to me then, just as it does now (for different reasons as an adult though), for I personally had a double reason to love this countdown.

You see, the date of "December 25" is a day I am humbled to have been born on, the one day as a child I awaited an entire 365 days every year to celebrate not only my birthday, but my dear Jesus birthday and Christmas also.

No doubt, I have always known it is a tremendous gift to share such a day, and yet to a child, birthday or not, it is such a long wait.

Thus the wonder of Advent.

If you aren't already counting down the days to Christmas in a spiritual way, I wonder if you might rearrange your priority list to incorporate it with your own family. It's never too late to begin. :)

God bless;


New to us this year - Holy Heroes "Jesse Tree" DVD

This lovely family deserves a mention for their continued efforts to bring good news via their website to the entire cyber world free of charge.

Also offered are delightful additional goodies which make wonderful family resources and great gifts.

Check them out and join in their current daily "Advent Adventures" devotions today. There are coloring and activity pages to print free of charge, daily videos to watch and learn from and a prayer to listen and follow along to as well. Enjoy!

more to come...