Monday, July 09, 2007

Mama birdie and her babies

Mourning Dove update

After I first posted about our front yard tree having a next within it (HERE), Mrs. Mourning Dove was so diligent and incredibly dedicated to her eggs, never leaving them even to eat! Her mate came regularly to feed her at their nest site, and now her reward for patiently tending to her nest has paid off with this proud little mama showing off her two growing baby birdies.

Click photos to enlarge

I found it amazing how quickly they blossomed, already more than half the size of their mother. It’s amazing how she just sits there, gently guiding her young, and protective as any mother should be. She glimpses us with caution while mowing the lawn and somehow must know we aren’t a threat when allowing us to carefully step close enough to get the photos within this writing.

Early this morning, another mourning dove rested on the back deck railing. She was big and round, thick through her midrift. I'll have to browse the lower branches of trees around the yard for another nesting site.