Sunday, July 08, 2007

Of photographers, labels and horses but of course

Labels and Horse Fever!

The newest family photographer taking a self portrait.

Family members have inquired about Oakley, the horse our daughter leased, the horse residing directly next door to us.

Oakley has become a very special horse to our daughter and our whole family really at that. Each day as our daughter ventures next door to chase the horse down for his daily ride, she finds him more playful than ever, playing games with her in the field at times. With all the energy he has cooped up from being a younger horse than she’s used to, longing him on his lead rope awhile sure helps get his steam out. After a warm up, trotting and breaking into some cantering for a great exercise regime, at last there comes a cooling down period to end the session. We’ve all become accustomed to knowing what part of the riding session she’s into, simply by viewing across the fields into the outdoor paddock. Sometimes family members perch onto windowsills to view the riding, other times we sit on the back deck and watch the entertainment.

When the riding is done for the day, the lovely horse habitat stall is ready for shoveling and making fresh again. This detail is a daily chore.

Oakley will only here now until later August, at which time another fellow family horse will be arriving in his place. The new horse is named “Ashes”, a female who wasn’t available immediately as the first choice because her foal hadn’t yet weaned from her. Imagine such opportunities for our daughter, such fantastic experiences resulting from them all. How blessed she is!

I've made a few changes on the side bar to the right of this webpage. You may have already noticed it there, but now appearing are "labels", designated sections for each writing to fall into new personalized categories, offering easier reference after their initial appearance for future reading. If you happen to miss one of the blog writings on the topic, cursor down and click onto it to find anything new there.

In total, thus far I’ve edited over 300 writings just to label them with titles, also all found on the right side bar on this page. I only have 268 writings to edit and label, a continual work in progress, tweaking the labels from past posts. In the future, I can save an abundance of time by using my personalized label descriptions there to continue sectioning the writings by theme.

Working on such simplistic details, I’ve spent a few designated blocks of time to complete the task thus far, in turn resulting in a bit of brain fog and initial blurry eyes by morning, especially after only entering my comfy cozy bed in the wee hours of the next day. In addition, I rely on a strong cup of coffee to assist and enhance my daybreak’s waking moments.

After my recent project orientated goals nearing completion, I’ve logged in many hours each day and seemingly each has rolled from one to another like a giant blur. The question I’ve been pondering lately is; “Why aren’t there more hours in my day?” I can’t seem to find them and it’s certainly not for the lack of trying believe me! smile

Here are other photos of horse riding lessons, the two girls attending together at the same time once more.

And on a final note, "horse camp" begins tomorrow for our youngest daughter. She has her lunch packed and she's already dreaming of cleaning out stalls. Oh the joy of it all!