Monday, December 18, 2006

Festive celebrations.

December Parent participation time!

Our last week's week in review featured two special parent participation activities with the ending of local activities the children have been partaking in. Obviously they will commence again in the New Year ahead, though this week, I was lucky to actually attend and observe both of them.

Our local Cub Scout group was the scene early in the week for the member's family invited along to watch two little plays all the boys had been creating, and were to perform that evening towards their “Tawny” badge for creativity.

The parents brought in treats for a fun and festive snack time after all the boys had a great time performing for us. They certainly won't be contenders for Academy Awards, but they pulled it off and enjoyed themselves in the process.

This group hasn't too many members so it's been a very quaint setting for our son to join in the fun, working in earnest for multiple badges I've had to sew on his sash. He has earned seven badges so far with several bookmarks in the Cub handbook for more as his goal to obtain as well.

The Brownie girls, not to be outdone, hosted an evening for mothers and their daughters to participate in a “craft extravaganza”, where each girl (a huge group to be sure) was able to decorate real boughs made into a wreath for a doorway at home.

Also, one of the noted “Martha Stewart” Brownie leaders, thought of a neat craft for the girls to make using a baby food jar, painted white inside, and decorated to make a fun snowman.

Glue guns were being hoarded, not enough to go around, but eventually the evening progressed and each gal had completed both crafty projects. The entire evening was filled with Christmas singing, jolly and good for everyone to enjoy together.

How festive it was! The evening ended with the enjoyment of hot cocoa and snacks, heartily devoured by all.