Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Little things continued...

Moving to the east has been a most interesting opportunity, ever enabling our family to experience new and exciting adventures awaiting our discovery.

Life is calm here, a step back from the hectic pace of life we’d come from, a rat race to be sure. Likely it won’t stay this serene all the time, but life in the country seems to suit us well.

Happy to see you Dad!

The most difficult part of our move, as we’ve mentioned before, has been leaving the “western connection”; our loving family and cherished friendships formed from a lifetime of residing there. We promised ourselves, when an occasion arises where it’s possible to meet, if only briefly for a warm hug, we’ll be sure to make it happen as best we can.

While hubby was in the west for business last week, he had one night awaiting his flight connections for returning here the next day, resulting in a stay at an airport hotel.

Speedily, we sent word to our older children and with the exception of one of the families where a bad flu bug hit their home hard, all were able to make the journey to the airport for dinner together even though it was a short evening’s visit.

It’s moments like this where we know the whirlwind event will be treasured by all. I’m not sure yet who needed to see whom more, him or them, but I do know all loved their time together.

Love ya all, miss ya lots!