Friday, February 08, 2008

The recipe box swap.


Randi over at "i have to say" is hosting a recipe swap and my "rainbow colored" pretty recipe cards are on my desk, and I'm browsing and writing on them to refill my recipe box with many fresh and new ideas. Thank you Randi for hosting this. How fun! Here's my entry, a super easy dish to feed the entire family, even a big family like mine. wink This recipe is a great winter meal, nice and hardy and one that will offer a sticking to the ribs satisfaction, ha ha.

Deviled short ribs

4 lb. short ribs

Brown short ribs on all sides and pour off drippings. Cover the pan tightly and cook slowly for 1 ½ hours. Pour off drippings again.

1 tbsp. brown sugar
½ tsp. ginger
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 ½ tsp. salt
1/3 tsp. pepper
¾ cup ketchup (we use only organic, not so much sugar)
¼ cup soya sauce (we use low sodium versions)
2 tbsp. lemon juice
½ cup water
1 bay leaf
1 onion, sliced

Combine remaining ingredients in a Pyrex dish or an oven pan with matching lid. Cover and continue cooking slowly for ½ hour or until meat is tender.

Variations are many. For instance you can add other ingredients to the meat dish, but if you want a carefree dish, why not use your crock pot after the meat drippings have been poured off and all is transferred to your pot for continued cooking for the afternoon.

Happy cooking!