What a gorgeous day today! The sun is shining with its reflection on the snow offering double the light for double the bright (smile).
We have an accumulation of snow; over one foot fell from the skies the night before last during a three hour period, and again it continued to snow periodically throughout the day yesterday.
Roads were dangerous and icy slick. With hardly a vehicle in sight, we listened to the squeal of skidoo machines instead, and a myriad of ATV vehicles with their snowplows attached were also whizzing by in search of rescue missions. Everyone with a snowplow machine, or vehicles with snowplowing abilities were out in force, assisting many all over our immediate area, even though the evidence of such wasn’t seen until later in the day when our son was due to deliver his newspapers on his regular route.
Good people were out performing good deeds, and everyone was pleased to assist anyone requiring their muscles. I am amazed over how many folks stopped here to offer more help to us during the day. What a great community we live in!
Here in our home, all hands were summoned, snow shovels in hand, and everyone was plowing through the deep white stuff, clearing away obstructed paths to all our doorways and the huge mound near the roadside. My winter boots were not appropriate for yesterday’s depth of snow, so anywhere I stepped I had to shovel in front of me first, or snow would creep down inside my boot tops.
Owing a home with a long driveway much privacy from the roadside for the most part, however the task of actually clearing the accumulated snowfall directly before us seemed a trite daunting, until a neighbor rumbled along the roadway with his farm tractor. He made the duty of clearing our heavy snowfall look simple, but admittedly, if we attempted what he did ourselves for the duration of the job until completion, we would still be clearing it today!
The snow was so deep, even with the tractor clearing; our vehicle still had difficulty working its way to the road later in the day. Another neighbor who happened to be nearby drove up the drive on his ATV with a snowplow attached to the front and cleared more snow out of the way, assisting us greatly. He was a neighbor down the road we’d never met before, so proper introductions were necessary and our daughter ended up babysitting for them later the same day. He was the father of three very small children, one a new baby. He and his wife were thrilled to make our acquaintance; though later on I found out I had already met his wife at my weekly volleyball evenings.
Today the sun is so lovely! The walkways and driveway are cleared for safe passage, and all is well. There is something very wonderful about peering out the windows at the glimmering twinkling on the snow topped ground which warms my heart, even though I would shiver outdoors. Lovely!
This type of sunny winter weather makes me feel energized. I want to begin up a nice hot stew in the crock pot, a delicious savory soup on the gas stove, or bake a super fragrant batch of chocolate chip cookies to fill the air with its aroma all over the house. It makes me want to sing to the world, for the calm it presents to a family when all are at home due to events being cancelled, and a sweet hush falling into the hubbub of a busy week.
Yes, I think God knows when we need a respite from life, and time together as a family. There’s nothing like the feeling of being able to curl up around a nice warm fire, with winter themed books are being read aloud.
Don’t you just love to reminisce with favorite stories of your own youth when socked in with snowy weather? Our children have fond memories of their favorites, thus the window for displaying the ones they chose from the book stacks in our home library.
And last but not least, the sunny day has allowed for creative adventures, after an aerobic frolic in the snow beforehand. Our art table has become such a busy place for the children to wonder to and from, all are creating many special things of late, Valentine things to be exact. I’ll give you a peak at one daughter’s creations, but shhhhh, they are a secret!