Birthday Boy!

It’s a birthday week in our family with two sons, a grand-daughter and a daughter in law, all celebrating their special days.
One son has reserved his ball hockey league night as an occasion to share some birthday cake with friends here for the evening, and the other son is awaiting a gathering of a few friends later next week, his first birthday party since he was very little.
It's upon occasions such as these where there is no way our children ever wish to forget the “great family tradition” of mom and dad taking the birthday child out alone for a birthday breakfast feast, where the honouree is given the duty of selecting the food venue and is granted permission to choose whatever he/she desires from the menu, usually breakfast and a dessert.
What’s a birthday celebration without ensuring the inclusion of the great family tradition factor? Well, I can attest to the older married children feeling ripped off that their time for these fun mornings isn’t happening any longer, or at least not lately. I suppose there comes a time, right gang? For now, this bunch at home won't allow us to forget this one particular tradition. No way!

Thumbs up!
Birthday boy is pictured here with his new bike. Ever wonder why children grow up so quickly, and why all of a sudden it’s time for bike riding season once again and somehow those longer limbs just seem to be stretching beyond belief? Knee caps begin to hit handle bars, hindering any ability of getting out for a spin beyond the garage.
This guy had outgrown his bicycle to the point where it was virtually impossible for him to even take a ride to his piano lesson with his brother this past few weeks.
He’s all smiles here, happy with his new wheels. And you know what they say, boys love their toys, but with all certainly, there is always a girl lingering nearby in a boy’s shadow with her own toy.
Not to be undone, our daughter grabbed her wheels and the two of them were off gathering speed all over the property, pretending of course to be dirt bike riders. (Where did that come from?) Oh, and notice the black fingerless gloves on his hands, something new he thought useful. grin

The "lingering daughter" involved,
both serving me more thumbs up!

So when did a hoodie hat become a
cushion under a bike helmet? Hmmmm
Thank you to everyone thinking of the boys this past week, they were beaming from your goodness, kindness, telephone calls and of course - mail! Who doesn't love mail? :-)