Monday, April 20, 2009

April Showers of photos 2009, #10

The Remains of the Day

With the grand job these men are performing,
who needs a gym?

We're rounding the bend with the enormous pile of fallen trees resting on the outskirts of our side property. What remains will only take today to complete, and likely by early afternoon at that.

The tree cutting crew of two men have both earned total admiration from our family for the duties we hired them for on our property. With precision cuts, tree after tree fell exactly where they had predicted. Some very tall hardwood trees fell straight down in between others we didn't wish to remove, and their cuts were so precise, not even so much as a whispered bit of damage took place as they whisked through their billowy center spaces before slamming to the ground with a great big roaring thud. The house shook mightily with every tree hitting the earth. We all pretended not to be flustered, quivering in our boots while observing each boom. We all uttered vocal bits hoping all be over real soon. And it was. Now the clean up remains and it too is almost at an end.

Once the remaining pile is removed from our property, all that will lay here as evidence to the deed will be one very basic chopped (processed they called it) chord of wood for our private family bonfires during the summer months to come. I've already obtained the mandatory fire permit for such occasions and have it tapped up inside of a laundry room inside cupboard if I ever need to refer to it in a hurry if a fireman shows up at my door.

Potential plans for the rest of our week include;
  • Having this first assignment complete
  • The window washers over to get our glass squeaky clean
  • The two large windows with the broken seals replaced
  • The stumps from all of the trees cut grinded and pulverized
  • New soil trucked in to rest in their resulting gaping holes
  • Hopefully the eavestroughs will be cleaned out from all the rotting leaves caked within them as per the negotiations before our move in to the house with the builder beforehand.
All that remains to date. The heaping pile is no longer

Moving into this house with three feet of snow on the ground never allotted the ability to complete many of these tasks, so with the warmer weather, each item on the former list remains unchecked.