My soul is full of longing
For the secret of the sea,
And the heart of the great ocean
Sends a thrilling pulse through me
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Usually I work on impulse when a sudden urge creeps up, and involuntary action steps swing into motion to immediately carve a priority visit within my daily schedule, which of course often happens on a wee whim.
As some of my readers know, I am guilty at times of just dropping everything when the impulse tackles my common sense and a great growing need bursts forth within me to reassure myself a visit there sometime during my day.
Anytime is beach time be it morning, noon, or evening. There is nothing so stunning, so calming, so peaceful and so richly rewarding as this type of place for me.
Occasionally when my mind won't stop spinning round and round, or maybe for no reason at all, a visit to the water's edge fast becomes a restful spot where life can halt to a grind and I can be granted a complete mental or emotional stillness. The merry-go-round actually stops, and it is there where I can begin to find solace - on purpose, and the ability to be still so I can listen for HIS voice.
I have done more praying at the water's edge under the guise of dipping a toe, becoming mesmerized by the lapping of the waves, sinking my feet into the sand, or following a boater's water path within sight.
I've done more hoping, more dreaming and more *everything* amidst the roar of the water or the splashing of the beach play near my side. This seems to be so especially true and fabulously dizzying wonderful for me (smile) when life has often become very tumultuous and overly difficult at times.
It is there by the water's edge where I am always guaranteed a place of refreshment. Always - no matter the season of the year. Be it a coffee in winter or a cool lemon iced water in summer, like a magnet to steel, my heart beckons for moments near the water often.
The sea does not reward those who are too anxious, too greedy, or too impatient. One should lie empty, open, choiceless as a beach - waiting for a gift from the sea.Oh take me away anytime to listen to the waves lapping on the shores and I will do anything on my awaiting to-do list once back home. I'm always assured the outcome of such a visit will lick any wounds festering upon my heavy heart, in my thought whirring mind and on my very weary soul. And, each gift of sheer refreshment my senses are able to gulp up are worth every ounce of effort it takes to get there when I'm able. Ahhhhh......it truly is a gift to sit near the sea.
Aw shucks! I promise my love of the water's edge won't become a broken record on this blog. Surely you can tell though by the photos shown here how much this week's discovered water location has had an affect over me. Right?
Spellbinding? Yep, that's what it is!