Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fun with Nature #6

Fun with Nature studies continue...

As soon as our youngest daughter found her pink butterfly net amongst the garden tools set aside by the movers in our cold storage room, she set out to use it and succeeded in no time at all to catch herself a lovely winged creature - aka butterfly.

Bouncing up and down at her great luck, she proceeded to fetch her bug/butterfly netted container to observe it more closely.

There is a saying you know.

If you give a child a new watercolor paint set and a new journal with luxuriously thick pages for painting on, forget the sketching for her, she was being an "artist" while her colorful dipped brush swished to and fro on her page.

A wonderful way to inspire artistry with
new paints and sketch books for all.

The wild white trillium she found was
the start of even more nature journaling

She named her butterfly "Spirit"

What does a new paint set and sketch book do for you?

I know for our daughter it soon became page after page of new artistic subject ideas, and within no time at all, an entire portfolio of great masterpieces were at her fingertips, gifts to loved ones and colorful fun in the process.

and then...when she wasn't looking, her brother
grabbed her brush and began to paint on her drawing

Artistry fun is fabulous to observe in young folk, but - tap, tap, tap - back to finding out what sort of butterfly this is, and sketching more of your nature finds, rather than painting random things. (see my grin?)