Here's where I left off at my last post...
the photo above shows the sand dunes of
Sandwich, Cape Cod, MA
Sandwich, Cape Cod, MA
Water everywhere gives this arm muscle shaped land it's beauty. Bays, ponds, lakes, waterways, cranberry bogs, and the Atlantic Ocean are located around almost every corner for those who wish to spend time at the water's edge. And you all know that I do so value my time there, right?
A typical landscape in warmer climate, it was a surprise to find boats still in the water, unusual for this time of year. And it's still a surprise to travel to this area and not find snow on the ground already either. Not complaining though....hehehe
Quaint and intimate inns and motels dot the roadways along Route 6A -King's Highway. Plenty of intrigue begins to develop over spotted locations where popular boutiques, tea houses and specialty stores are found.
Bed and breakfast areas and small inns unique to the history of the area keep surprising traveler's with their unexpected and sudden discoveries. Some of the locals take whole days just to explore all those found along one of the highways or routes running along the contour of the waterways.
Beautiful and ultra ritzy homes are awaiting tourists and local spectators alike, allowing an appreciative gawking or jaw dropping for their settings, let alone their proximity near to the water, those hidden privately secluded in lovely areas or on small adjoining islands near lakes and ponds.
What a lovely drive we enjoyed after attending mass in a very old and well restored parish in the geographical area. Perfect sunny skies filled our day, so lovely and yet so breezy near the waterways.
We continued to tour the sweet village of Osterville after attending Sunday mass together. The church was attended was originally a mission church in 1905, expanding and growing throughout the years. You can view a photographic tour by linking HERE for the "Our Lady of Assumption Parish".
My sister played tourist chauffeur, offering views on our drive without having deadlines or any particular time frame (nice) , meandering and following along the connecting winding roads to loveliness. Our favorite street was the Eel River Road, a 1920's exclusive waterfront areas running along the Eel River for almost four miles around the Russel Millpond.
Of interest was the "Crosby Yard" where boaters docked their vessels and people flock in summer to eat and drink at the famous "Islander restaurant", formerly called Keepers. Trivia;
- The Crosby brothers were famous for inventing a new kind of sail boat that was "quick like a cat". Their original wooden boats are still located nearby in the boat yards. I found more information on this HERE.
- Ethel Kennedy used to keep her boat docked here until it caught fire, a famous place for boaters (yachts)
- "Keepers" restaurant has now changed owners and has the new name of; "The Islander", surely one of those eatery spots Guy Fieri from the Food network's Diners, Drive-ins and Dash restaurants.... It is now closed for winter and won't reopen until late spring, therefore I can hardly give you my opinion of the famous food found there. :)
The Christmas Tree Store
You can check out the link HERE for yourself if you wish to know more. The poor photo above was snapped at night, but the architecture of their buildings alone is well worth the peak inside. Check out the photo below to see entrance ways....
I'll be back with more....