Creating an altar of repose began the evening following a procession to the basement of the church. Processing later toward the same area after the Mass of Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday) we were offered the ability to linger for a time of adoration before bidding the evening adieu.
A remarkable reverence, followed by hushed tones was notable from where I was kneeling. One wanted to remain still for a long while in such a peaceful spot.
I've shared with your before, long before the season of Lent began, about our family puzzle challenge gifted to us from our oldest daughter this past Christmas.
The grand feat of accomplishing this 1000 piece puzzle didn't seem to faze any of us here, that is until it all became much more difficult than any of us ever anticipated!
Determination set in and all began to roll up our sleeves to see this project complete. If you can only focus for one minute on the tablecloth and nothing else, try to notice how many colors and patterns there are for that item alone. Mind boggling!
There is a lesson for everyone and much to say about making a puzzle entailing that of a religious scene. It is likened to a prayerful act, observing and noticing facial expressions, body positions and the depth of the moments represented within such a profoundly historical and religious scene as this one below.
For instance, while working on the face of Jesus, one could begin to explore the loving and yet extremely thought provoking expression as He began pondering no doubt what He knew was about to occur this night.
We all know the end of this story, at least what transpired from this final and last supper between Jesus and his Apostles. This same scene was the institution of the Mass as we know it today, and the evening when his apostles became priests.
What a challenging puzzle is right!
What began as a simple project turned out to be quite complex. In fact as we've not ever encountered a brand new puzzle before that ended with several duplicate pieces once complete. A few extra feet and toes, weird things of that nature....weird is right, but maybe just in case we misplaced one along the way? grin...
Thank you to our daughter, it was one very wonderful and thoughtful challenge for all, something long lasting and very tangible to remain as a reminder on the dining room table, still there today after our return from the west (believe it or not as no one wanted it to be dismantled yet).
On Holy Thursday last week, we were able to observe a reenactment of the priest washing the feet of twelve chosen men from the parish, those who would represent the twelve apostles. One of those men was my own father.
Shortly beforehand, the priest gave a simple and yet very profound sermon leaving a silence in the air where one could hear a pin drop, if one solitary bit dared to descend toward the floor.
All in the pews, including the many children present, were fully absorbed in the lesson of the day, imaginations whet by the mental picture from the explanation over what this duty meant during those historical times, a customary act most often performed by a servant to cleanse the feet of all guests entering for a visit inside the home.
It was a common gesture expected by the host's servants, and no one dared stoop so low as to volunteer for such a position if one wasn't around. But HE did. Yes, Jesus did in fact do this himself, and all were greatly humbled by his willingness to perform such an act, like St. Peter for instance. (John: 13: 8-9)