Wednesday, January 12, 2011

When it's too cold to walk the dogs...

Ever heard of Cesar Romero, otherwise known as "The Dog Whisperer"?

First and foremost when trying to decipher a dog's behavior, he asks the owner how much exercise the dog is getting. He feels all else is secondary, and when watching any of his shows, or videos, the first thing he does is set up a new exercise routine for every dog. One of these is using a treadmill, where he first begins to walk side by side next to the dog, and then slowly over time, he attaches them by leash and increases the time, all resulting in a great workout.

In our home, our two dogs depend on their owners to walk them in wintertime. When the temperatures hover beyond -14C, it's time to think outside of the box on what to do for them, mostly as our golden lab dog is very uncomfortable when out for too long, lifting one foot at a time to indicate the pads of her feet are way too cold.

Treadmill time began this week. Yes, our dogs are in training for more bitter cold temperatures
to come over the next two months.

Day one was interesting for sure;
...the funniest thing for all present was to see the dogs and how they took to this piece of equipment.

  • Our lab was terrified of the sound her nails made on the treadmill, just like how she feels about walking on hardwood flooring.
  • Our husky was amazing, she hopped on and took to it beautifully!

Day two proved much better for both;

Tomorrow, we increase the time and speed on both.

For now though, enclosed are today's versions of both dogs and their efforts.

To eliminate issues with dog nail tapping for the lab, she was outfitted with her winter mitts and all seemed to improve, that is until two young children found it quite funny to increase the speed levels prematurely.

Lots of laughs ensued!