Saturday, August 15, 2009

Random Summertime Photography: 23

Summertime blooms continue to inspire with their showy profuse and delicate growths, and their absolutely exquisite bursts of summertime color.

Before we placed our previous home up for sale, I knew no matter what happened with the move I just had to keep the three beautiful hydrangea bushes from my garden. Before autumn weather turned nasty, I grabbed three pots, a supply of planting soil, and then I began to lovingly dig up my bushes, placing them safely into their new, though temporary planters.

During our horribly cold and snowy winter, I stored them all in our garage, keeping a close eye on them to ensure they would fair well with the geographical change.

I am happy to report they not only fared well over the winter season but they are making my heart sing about now with the simple blooming pleasures they offer in great abundance. I just love them! I am so happy to have them here with me and I look forward to transplanting them again, this time in my new garden near my new back deck.

Aren't they just gorgeous?