Thursday, June 24, 2010

Summer Soccer

Over the past few weeks, there's been nothing like keeping all things normal around here, especially for things like regular routine items scheduled on the calendar to keep our minds occupied with all good things.

Our two younger children were registered in a small community soccer fun program last summer, nothing more than a recreational soccer league filled with other families who all show up and cheer for their young players.

Once again, here we are every Thursday evening, chairs in hand to watch their soccer skills and drills take them into all the game action from week to week.

Last year, they both met a few children whom they are thrilled to see again this year, even if they might happen to be on opposing teams.

Our daughter is always up to more moments outside of the barn with her friend, a sweet girl who has worked with our daughter, caring for their joint responsibilities on all things horse.

On evenings when it's not too humid outdoors, my hubby comes along and enjoys these moments on the field.

And our older daughter who has a work shift in the evening this same day, well, she can walk down to meet us for her ride home.

We even brought our son along this past week who thought the community event was quite fun to watch for him too.

All agree, we are definitely looking forward to a few more weeks of this summer soccer.