Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Ten Things I'm Thankful For

Time for another installment of my
"Ten Things" to be thankful for, always varied, always random bits in positively NO particular order.

As promised, one more "Ten Things" for this week, daring to share even more of our life "in the east".

The heat wave we've been experiencing over the past few weeks has been incredible! Who would imagine such a fabulous start to summer, which incredulously isn't even formally here yet. The weather has been warm, hot for the most part, beautiful for working in the garden and tending to all things within our summer preparation mode chore list. Sunkissed skin offers a continual glow to all family members living here. :)

We've so enjoyed drifting into a deep abyss of stolen moments on our little deck, whilst resting upon our new chairs. Superb sunsets greet our every night this past few weeks, so thankful for everything in our days while saluting the end of the evening there with my hubby.

Time is passing by quickly. We've been preparing in more ways than one for summer ahead.

Without further ado, let me present my "Ten Thankful Things", just very random sparks of thankfulness appearing in my days this past week.

Please know for certain that my own personal thoughts on true thankfulness can obviously never be offered, nor delivered in true completeness within one simple post.

And in case you just might find it interesting and want even more today, you can always skip along to view other "thankful" posts by clicking onto the archives located - right HERE.

- 1 - I'm thankful for the days of summer directly ahead, a time frame when we will be wrapping up the schooling for the year, and get into a simple review mode only.

Allowing for more time to pursue other things, summer draws near, oh yes, it does. It's been tough to complete our schooling as per usual the past week with temperatures hovering between 90-100 degrees, so um - warm, and so tempting to get outdoors and do other things. Lovely, but we find ourselves having to remain cool in the heat of our days.

- 2 - I'm thankful for breakfast on the deck when my husband surprised me last weekend with piggies in a blanket and a splash of orange after my morning coffee and prayer time alone there. And the best part was when he brought his breakfast out and joined me, allowing the children and teens more time to continue their deep slumber.

- 3 - I'm thankful for a swimming visit to the beach this past week, only once because it was even too hot to do that for long. Likened to a warm bath, the water was quite tepid though not cool as we had hoped and initially anticipated for our refreshment desires.

After only 1 - 1/2 hours, it was definitely time to leave the water's edge for home again. Red rosy skin appeared within no time at all, a little summer first for the sense of safety in high temperature heat warnings.

- 4 - I'm thankful for father/son "learn to tie" a man's tie sessions. Heading out for prom, our son required yet another lesson because over the years the father/son lessons only go so far when the boys get those neck ties knotted, only to keep them that way and remove them over the head, never having to retie them again afterward.

Once is just not enough guys, practice makes perfect. Aren't you happy your father comes to your rescue when you require his assistance? grin,grin

- 5 - I'm thankful for these little bug catchers, the ones advertising the promised distraction away from people and the capture of wasps, bees, flies, and other assorted insects. With a little honey sweetness along the inner bottom ring, they are now hanging about the property, doing exactly what they promised to do.

I had a choice to pay 12.99 for some larger ones at Chapters store, or 1.25 for the smaller versions shown here from the Dollar store. Guess which I chose? The more, the merrier especially when someone here is allergic to bee stings.

- 6 - I'm thankful for two able bodied boys who are great mighty helpers when called to the plate. They worked with sod cutter, spades, shovels, lifting and banging out heavy grassy sod and moving and replacing it on our nature trails out back where it will serve a great purpose for future grassy growth there along our walking paths.

Our two boys offered their muscles, for nine hours one week prior to our actual heat wave, although it was almost as warm working during those hours. The trick was to work in full sun because the season's mosquitoes happen to arrive and were nesting directly under the sod. As it was pulled back, swarms of the nasty blood suckers attacked all of us but good, that is until they realized they were in full sun and soon disappeared.

Rolling up our sleeves, we had to regroup a bit due to the mosquitoes and find grand solutions to work the property near the house to rid us of those horrible things. Mission accomplished after day three while working in our gardens, not only carving them out, but also for me digging and removing overgrown plants from the front gardens and transplanting them back here.

It was immense work, but all is rendered complete now. I'll be following up with a post soon after the dump of bark mulch is hauled and shoveled to offer a final finish.

- 7 - I'm thankful for a bit of twaddle in my life when I plop into a chair after our laborious goals for the day are complete. This new to me magazine awaited me after day was done over a few evenings, something to pick it up and read while distracting me from the tension building in my muscles I never knew I had.

A dangerous thing to partake in, reading this magazine that is, because there were a few times I thought I would never be able to get up off my chair and head to the shower. LOL

- 8 - I'm thankful for FREECYCLE! Over the years I've been on the Freecycle email loop I've been able to offer items to others in need of them, recycling at its best. So many items offered by way of our family have blessed others along the way.

It was very touching to place a 'wanted' ad on freecycle myself, the one asking if someone out there might happen to have a sewing machine they don't require any longer, one they would like to part with so my young daughter can learn to sew. Although its definitely is a dinosaur, a typical one during the days when I first began sewing myself years ago, I look forward to more mommy/daughter time this summer sewing next to my girl. And we will make many things, she and I. Oh yes, we will.

- 9 - I'm thankful for used curriculum fairs where I can assemble boxes of items for sale, those I have not been using, no longer using, have never used (yes, I have things like this here) or have outgrown for our children's homeschooling usage. Wow, I have really been able to assess much these days when realizing our two final students are already tween and teen.

Whew, where did the time go? I have so many learning aids for preschoolers and young children to sift through yet, many Montessori items I no longer use. Summer will be a good time to get those items up on email loops and the rest up on Amazon or other such cyberspace places.

Oh, and P.S, - more than half shown is now sold! yay~

- 10 - I'm thankful for children who have grown to grasp the instruction rendered by those in authority, to be able to obtain rewards along the way, let alone a great work ethic ideal.

This son was offered a job as a helper where our girls ride and work on horses. He is working alongside a very knowledgeable and godly man, who will train him and teach him so much about assorted life skills in all trade aspects. Both this owner and his father (a farmer/businessman) work side by side assisting one another on projects and general work around their farms. Both have already commended our son, complimenting him on being a hard worker, surprising him with an hourly pay equal to our older teens's earnings at their own jobs.

So far he has blended in well, working like a man. He's worn protective gear and sanded a rusty hay wagon with a steel brush, placed a new wooden flooring on it with electrical tools and completed the task by repainting it. He assisted with the paddock fencing replacements, hopped on the tractor with the owner to investigate items of interest on the farm and is currently painting all of the horse stall steel reinforcements.

He loves going to work. With a "huge" lunch packed and plenty of hydration abilities, both he and his sisters all head off for work at the same place. All have expressed a little concern about mom possibly being alone often at home this summer. grin, grin

And there you have ten more things I'm thankful for, nothing in order and all very random thoughts for the week.

There is always so much to be thankful for, always! The gratitude list grows and grows.

And, likewise there is always so much to pray for, always!

The list grows for the blessing deposits placed into our lives, both the joyful and sorrowful, and that is life folks, forcing us to always trust in the grand plan and press onward. With chins up, we are in fact praying hard for some huge personal intentions ahead.

Would you like to join us in thanksgiving and for continued trust in the journey?

Blessings upon your day;