Monday, January 22, 2007

Blue Monday ?

Imagine finding out today, January 22 has been declared "Blue Monday" written about today in London's "Daily Mail", also noted to be, the most miserable day of the year.

I thought I'd read it wrong myself, but as I sit tonight rereading this declaration for today specifically, perhaps not everyone had a "Blue Monday" today, but our Monday was certainly one of the gloomiest first day of the school week days in a long time! In fact, the entire weekend was gloomy and extremely emotionally challenging! It was very long overdue for me, for I was finally able to release a great, long wet sniffly cry! This is a rarity for me, so the headache began shortly afterwards, another battle. Being sleep deprived certainly doesn't help, but heh, there's always tomorrow....
I love ya, Tomorrow;
You're only a day away!

Okay, still dragging today on "Blue Monday", but for tomorrow, I am praying for a "Terrific Tuesday"!
Here! Here!