The Family!
The family comes together,
prayers rise like incense,
memories are carved on our hearts,
feast days are celebrated,
music is enjoyed,
conflicts are resolved,
the new baby just home from the hospital is loved
for the first time by his siblings,
tears of sorrow and joy fall,
guests are welcomed,
books are devoured,
a warm fire is stoked
. . .and it all begins within the four walls of our LIVING ROOMS.
prayers rise like incense,
memories are carved on our hearts,
feast days are celebrated,
music is enjoyed,
conflicts are resolved,
the new baby just home from the hospital is loved
for the first time by his siblings,
tears of sorrow and joy fall,
guests are welcomed,
books are devoured,
a warm fire is stoked
. . .and it all begins within the four walls of our LIVING ROOMS.