Friday, May 04, 2007

Future vocation?

Future Vocation?

A recent visit to a local veterinarian with the Brownie troupe proved to be a most rewarding, interesting and hands-on experience for this young gal.

She was an assistant nurse to the doctor while performing a surgical procedure in his hospital area; all the gals there were required to play the role of a real nurse, dressed up with mask, gloves, and hair hats.

After much informational in a fun and educational performance, the girls were taught how to apply a cast for broken bones, though the cast was applied to their very own wrists, hardening enough later on to snip it off before bed and marvel over their accomplishments. In the photo you can note the cast on one wrist and the bright pink Velcro bandage on the other, used on animals.

What a fun night!

What a wonderful experience for future vocation choices.