Friday, May 11, 2007

Finer weather brings new things. riding outdoors!

Due to the change of weather to much finer warmth and no precipitation this week, finally a horse riding lesson was able to take place outdoors.

The horses hadn’t been outdoors like this for some time and weren’t sure at first, spooking often to little things catching their eyes. The paddock next to the riding ring housed one of the mothers and her foal during the lessons, or perhaps a few wild and eager beasts wishing for a great romp outside the 12 x 12 homes they spend much of their day in. Just like children, they preferred to play rather than be instructed upon. Training for the horse was also in session with the electrical tape activated to warn the horse of any silly play they were yearning for during their riding times.

Riding lessons never looked so good as we could observe and enjoy watching right from the vehicle. No more bitter cold barn these days, where my feet froze and my nose become a strawberry color like Rudolph’s. We hope this better weather holds up for riding lessons.