Thursday, September 23, 2010

on the topic of grandchildren

Being a member of the "Grandparent Club" presents a whole other area in life where one is left completely in awe, with gentle reminders of the continued circle of life, the blessings of new progeny, and an abundance of joyful grace obtained within an entire family.

When we were able to travel to Vancouver this year in early April, we had hoped to capture and update ourselves together with our grandchildren. And we loved being able to do that.

We were thrilled to treasure our new (as we were) photo when returning home, one where we were surrounded by all our giggling lovelies at our grand-daughter's horse party, in that now historical moment.

Little did we know, just a few weeks later, another bundle of joy was about to be announced, leaving this photo of all of us together, already out of date.

Nana & Grandpa and grandchildren sharing a moment

Technology has come such a long way since I birthed our eldest some 33 years ago now. Even after having many other children in the years following, and even since my pregnancy with our youngest 11 year old daughter, things have sure changed! And for the better.


may I introduce you to our newest grandbaby? Well, this new grandbaby hasn't even been born yet, but rather alive and well - still in utero!

Ever since we received an EMAIL with the photo announcement with an image of a pregnancy stick showing two very distinct pink lines, technology has played a huge role in keeping us, the grandparents, living over 4000 miles away from this new wee bundle of huge blessings in the loop.

Through the months, our daughter has continued to ride the techno-wave enabling her to keep us informed in all ways, and in turn we await anxiously for each new weekly email showing her self professed - growing "baby bump".

Yes, many baby tummy photos later, this wee one is now twenty-two weeks in utero, and best of all, we've been able to watch this little one growing, at least outwardly via our very own little mama.

Several weeks back a new kind of technological advancement came our way with a "Quicktime attachment audio" of the baby's heartbeat! How great is that! It was as if we were present, right in the room with our daughter at her doctor appointment! Ever cool! :)

And then, this week's email was something else again - not one but two 3D images, showing us the beauty and blessing of the medical world's increasing enhancements on LIFE, keeping us ultra aware that - indeed it is a gift, so very PRECIOUS from the womb to the tomb, and it should never be taken for granted. Not ever!

Our newest grandbaby is due to be birthed on January 26th, 2011 but we feel as though we've already met her.

Yes - HER!

Amazingly, technology has allowed us to witness the incredible wonder and absolute gift of being able to meet and greet a baby still in utero.

Our grandbaby GIRL is growing beautifully in her mommy's womb. Her name is "Paige", and goodness, her daddy and big sisters are over the moon awaiting her arrival. And so are the rest of us.

Even all the way over in the east, I am already feeling smitten over this wee one living on the Westcoast, and so appreciating every little thing our daughter is sending technology-wise over cyber space. She is always thinking about us way over here, and continuing to find ways to bless her parents and siblings in ways unimagined merely a few years ago.

Thank you little mama. :) We love you ... and Paige!