Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our acorn nut picking party

We're having a party.

We're having an acorn collecting, nut picking party all week long.

Please do come along and join the fun. The kettle will be whistling. And the tea piping hot.

Uniquely ours for the taking, my oh my, there are acorns spewed all over the ground under each oak tree on our property.

In the front garden beds, the ones nearer to our front doors, I discovered cheery chippies (chipmunks) beginning to hoard their winter storage supply of acorns.

Evidence was everywhere, especially those perfect little ripe acorns partially entered into holes on their way towards the vast tunnel systems beneath the bark mulch.

Little do they know, but those chipmunks whose preference it is to make their winter homes under our gardens, will be required to move their residences.


Did you know a chipmunk can actually chomp through a home's concrete foundation over time?

This is the only danger that I am aware of at this present time for having them so near to the house, this and the fact that their cousin squirrels love to make their winter home in attics.

Our acorn picking party has resulted in one large completely filled basket thus far. It may not look like much in the photos, but besides this load, there is plenty more where they came from, especially as they continue falling from treetops onto our forest floor.

It's that time of year, when harvest comes for all God's creatures, yes for sure - those he created both big and small.

Little by Little

"Little by little" an acorn said
As it slowly sank in its mossy bed;
"I am improving day by day
Hidden deep in the earth away"

Little by little each day it grew;
Little by little it sipped in the dew;
Downward it sent out a thread-like root;
Up in the air sprung a tiny shoot;
Day after day, year after year,

Little by little the leaves appear;
And the slender branches spread far and wide,
Till the mighty oak is the forest's pride.

"Little by little" said a thoughtful boy
"Moment by moment I'll well employ,
Learning a little every day,
And not spending all my time in play

And still this rule in my mind shall dwell
"Whatever I do, I will do it well'

Little by little I'll learn to know
The treasured wisdom of long ago
And one of these days perhaps we'll see
That the world will be the better for me."

And do you not think that this simple plan
Made him a wise and useful man."
