Monday, June 09, 2008

He shoots! He scores!

He shoots! He scores!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist placing the title overhead here. No this is not hockey, but read on and you'll see the, "the shoot and score" idea of what I mean... :-)

Yesterday before heading out to a golf tee time to play a round together shortly before the dinner hour, the older boys headed for the backyard to use it as a practice driving range.

Several dozen balls were shot off into the wild horizon at the back of the property, and shortly before they completed the ball stash in the bucket, howls of laughter rippled through the airwaves, however, call it a mother's intuition but I just “knew” something wasn’t right!

Sure shooting, our older son cranked his golf ball out yonder, the speed blasted right through my newest bird feeder, spilling all the seed and the bottom tray to the ground. At first I thought he only hit it and the bottom fell off, but then after a much closer inspection, I noticed the REAL damage.


Of all people, you have to know the history of this son’s funny business around here, so this was no exception to the rule. This was all rip roaring “hilarious” to the boys and their father of course, but it took me a bit of time to let loose and laugh my head off at the whole wonder of it all. What could be the odds, especially with three acres ahead of them to hit this one particular bird feeder? (shaking my head still)

A hole in one!