Currently under construction!
(and not by choice)
(and not by choice)
You know when the evening is yet (ohhhhhhh) so young when the accidental click of a wrong button makes your entire blogging template disappear. Poof! Gone!
Stay tuned folks as I attempt to remaster my three column blog - that is when/if I can find it on my hard drive. Until then, I think I'll just play around and see if there's something new to tempt me towards a whole fresh new look.
Meanwhile, Week 2 for my husband's respiratory rehabilitation hospital stay is now complete. He is currently and very happily attending our son's ice hockey playoff game tonight, two younger children on either side of him behind the glass inside the concession stand area holding his hands. Not being able to enter the actual crowd seating area inside the arena itself due to the cold air offering sore breathing intakes, together they watch from inside the general lobby area near the concession stand where it is so much warmer.
He becomes eager to unpack his basic toiletry items and let everything sit just like this on the bathroom counter for the next two days until his return to hospital, AND have a "SCENTED" deodorant back to use. The hospital remains a NO-SCENT zone, not even for his Old Spice smell.
As for me - I "was" sitting here happily playing with my blog after recently acquiring a satellite internet system in our rural country new home area when all of a sudden, one very slow click led to another, and BOOM - I had a whole new template appear on my blog! Perhaps it's my subconscious playing tricks on me as I was just very recently thinking of creating an uplift here, or perhaps it's just going to continue being one of those nights....laugh. Either way, I'm deleting, adding, changing and VERY under construction here.
Apologies in advance for confusing you when you first came to visit, and hope you all understand the (mess) quandry I am experiencing - ummm - not by choice. :-)
Blessings on your weekend!
See you soon...