Thursday, November 20, 2008

Be still my beating heart

Be still my beating heart

Yesterday it became an official thing, once we found out exactly how much snow dropped on us. Using our triangular ruler, we almost lost it in the depth of the snow but realized over one foot had accumulated by dinner time.

Passing the 12 inch mark
by dinner last night

If you've been following my blog, you know HOW MUCH I love the snow, especially over here in the easterly parts of our country, rather than over on the west coast.

The snow here is so bright and cheery, white and fluffy and just so lovely to me. The sun usually accompanies our wintry days as something normal here, and believe me, I would much rather have a sunny snowy day than the rainy gray days in the west this time of year!

The sun always shines after a snowfall here...

In my humble opinion, once the snow begins to descend downward and starts to settle around us, it soon results in a delightful and lovely sugar coated dusting all over our general landscape. I can't help but feel a "deep peace" and "nesting moment" watching it drift about. Its simple beauty becomes so captivating, and it fast becomes acknowledged we have a great front row seating to a perfect real time movie.

The feeling of a winter wonderland surrounding me is something almost magical. In a true sense of the word, I truly believe God sends us a message when we become so busy, so harried and so concerned with life's pressing concerns.

Having a quiet day forced upon us with Environment Canada's continued warnings of two more snow squalls heading our way, and the possibility of up to 35-50 cm of additional snow expected and mounting by tonight, it was a great temptation to meander over towards the winged back chair near the fireplace throughout the morning, just to stare out the window in awe.

When it came time for the children to proceed with their assigned reading for the day, instead of taking their usual reserved and favorite chairs, they wandered over to the fireplace and curled up with their books there, lifting their eyes to glance out the window upon occasion, as the blizzard winds began to blow.

Dreamy thoughts have escaped me throughout this day so far while watching the snow blow and drift into new shapes, mostly though I find myself spontaneously lifting up prayers for all those special intentions finding me this day. These days seem to be exceptionally difficult making my heart grow so very weary. Thankful to spend the better part of this day in a peaceful and tranquil mode, I am forever grateful and content to just "be still" and offer up my burdens back to God.

Just as the snow has fallen upon me and mounted up deeply on the ground, when the toughest of times visit uninvited, threatening to smother me to the point of tears, pain and frustration, the very best prayer for me to utter these days is; "Lord, SCAN me!" for he knows;
  • everything I feel
  • everything I hope for
  • everything I hold dear
  • and every little thing I need right at this very moment
"Be still my beating heart" is the message I hear on days like today. This peaceful time is all good for me to cherish and hold dear because during times when I feel my heart will surely drop out of my body from sheer demand from becoming overloaded and weighed down, he also declares; "my beloved daughter I will never forsake you. Trust me".

Jesus I trust in Thee!

"Come to me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke upon you, and learn of me, because I am meek, and humble of heart: and you shall find rest to your souls. For my yoke is sweet and my burden light."

~ Matthew 11:28