The world is a book...
The world is a book,
and those who do not travel
read only a page.
~ St. Augustine
and those who do not travel
read only a page.
~ St. Augustine
Clearly - everything else beyond this moment is gravy (smile)! At least that's what I say.
There is nothing quite like the love of reading, especially when it entails a great book, which soon tends to linger in their grips, long after the ringing stops.
No doubt tomorrow will see them nearer to the fire, comfortably reading their current reads and watching those big fluffy flakes fall to earth. That is, until mother yells out it's time to get outside...hee hee.
Bring on that snow folks. It's so lovely already, much too dark for a photo op though. Sorry. I'll just have to keep on looking out the window to enjoy it for a while yet tonight.