Two birthday boys celebrated a very informal birthday time together. Our son had his birthday some time ago in May and nothing seemed to come together until now for this great group of boys. It was handy to find another boy had a birthday around the same time as this past weekend, so naturally we just included him into the festivities.
The birthday part really was very informal as the boys just enjoyed gathering to spend time together. Not all live nearby. In fact one set of brothers live 1 1/2 hours away from us, so time well spent means alot this the bunch. The normal routine is to spend from Friday afternoon to Sunday where they would reunite with their own families at the church. This gathering was a change for the boys as all were barely able to find a mutual day to come together, so an entire very long day was to suffice. All were content with that, so it's all good.
These boys are serious collectors of the LOTR mini figures and take their games seriously. The boys usually gather once each month for a whole day or several days to play the LOTR challenges and use their logic skills in the attempt to do battle and claim victory over one another.

Scenes from a LOTR day
During the course of the day, some of the older boys were doing battle on their own while the younger boys were playing a competitive game of the LOTRing's card game. Later on, a few drifted about as some were found borrowing another's paint colors to perk up or complete their mini figures, create something new they brought to construct, teach another how to make a piece of scenery for their own set at home, or just take a break and eat the luncheon and snacks set on a table nearby.
The painting station was well used throughout the day

Happy Birthday Boys!

Now go off and slay that dragon!
The painting station was well used throughout the day
A variety of ages were represented during the ten hour day, all sets of brothers between the ages of 11-19 years old. My hubby and I loved how they all intermingled, ending with a great game of soccer at the end of the day. Oh, and a few breaks were had by all around the Wii games of bowling, golf and Mario kart. Many giggles ensued, heard throughout the house and it was super to know all were having such a good time.
Happy Birthday Boys!
Now go off and slay that dragon!