When September comes and the little yellow bus rolls down the road so all of the children can be transported to their schools, their teacher's first assignment will fast become;
"And what did you do this summer?"
... I will feel as they do, tongue tied for a split second when trying to recall just what in the world I did. LOTS!
My summer so far has been way, way - B-U-S-Y!
My has already included many multiple day-long (!) personal projects and goals attained that I with my own hand, placed on my "to - do" list because I'm a project orientated type of person and require plenty of time to assure my goals get to fruition when a big job is at hand! And wow, does it ever feel amazing when complete!
I know I've promised photos of the before and after of the three rooms (I happened to get this dreamy dream in the middle of the night to begin in the first place) completely shuffled and moved around.
Well, something happened to me again. Another dream perhaps? Yep!
So, what does that mean you might ask...
Two of those rooms are "moocha-bella" for me, just right for sure. The third one, my office/craft room is completely, unbelievably, and most impossibly torn apart. I've been counting and sorting, moving and shaking, lifting and rearranging and soon, very soon, I will be one of the most organized in there since our move here.
No. I am finally getting to the point where I was only a few short years ago, AFTER (like the mini little blue things house post) I have done damage control for the last time after our movers dumped and threw all things into boxes. And when mini-drawers and upteen little things were spilled and blended about, at long last (!), it was finally due time to obtain some semblance and success in there by deciding to get in focus by overhauling the entire room - one itty bitty, one single thing at a time.
What a task! I am still in shock, still overwhelmed, but I have a deadline now. My sister is coming for the weekend and I want to share this monumental accomplishment with her. (laughing...)
About the title of this post then...
As I fumbled and fussed with every little thing in my room, many of my seasonal holiday and special liturgical feasting items were also being stored in there, well some of them anyway, and all still not exactly orderly the way I would prefer them to be, placed here and there since the move to the smaller room.
And then, I got this idea (dream? yep) to sort and sift and gather every one of these holiday and feasting items together and haul them all upstairs, to the front door area for a new storage idea.
I have a rather large closet near the door, two in fact, one of each side. I'm not finding the cookie cutter closet system working well for me. One had almost nothing in it ...still long after our move! So, in my dreamy dream, it became my (ta da!) holiday/feast day closet. What a concept huh? And ohhhhh so catchy.
I began to toss and sort all the bins. And after I gutted out all of my dining room buffet drawers and wondered why so many tablecloths were wrinkled and crazily misplaced by well meaning children, well now, I thought I would just use my FREE hangers from a local clothing store and (yes!) hang them up! YAH!!!! I have to say, I LOVE it!
And soon, very shortly in fact, I will have "labeled bins" (possibly color coded to represent themes) using my handy dandy label maker on each shelf with celebration names, feast days/month themes on display for easy finds.
In the meanwhile....I am still working and plan to have this continuing project complete in three days. Three days! Whew.... and this closet up to par with the same timing. Wish me luck, but I'm almost there. YES!
Just for you my family and friends, here is a sneak peak so far in the photo below...though there will be more. I assure you of that. I am excited for that.
To have everything in ONE PLACE will be super handy. And oh, this photo does NOT do this area justice as the closet doors are 8 ft. tall! There's lots of space in here, just all cut up with the closet system.
This is the space.
To be continued... with close-up photos showing my label lovelies to you. :)