Today was horse riding lesson day for one of our daughters. The beauty of her new horse riding farm arena is twofold.
- First - it's only a short walk away from our home. The pleasure of (once again) living in the country comes with perks in our new area, because there are several stables nearby to choose from. The one this daughter has chosen to ride at is just a short walk away from our home. I already know in advance what she will be doing this summer, and where she will be heading when out walking with her dog. :-)
Secondly - With quite a nice horse resident population on the premises, choices vary week to week and that alone offers the rider the chance to improve and advance in varying levels of riding techniques.
Today's assigned horse was a white hairy beast, one who gave our daughter quite a time and wouldn't cooperate too well at the end for the cantering expectations.
Not so I am told and after watching many lesson sessions. In fact now in my more mature age, I realize I really virtually know nothing at all. I suppose all those teenage whole-day-trail-riding pleasurable experiences don't count for much.
Today this white beast required plenty of coaching and will continue to be a work in progress for our daughter in order to hold her ground and ride well, becoming the master atop her four legged friend.