Monday, March 02, 2009

Simple pleasures abound

Simple pleasures abound

One young son and I conquered this pile and discovered some mighty wonderful things in the process. At last we found our toilet plunger! Woot, woot! And another toilet brush! We're on a roll folks!

And what a blessing to find an entire 36 roll package of toilet paper filling one entire box! I won't have to run to the store for toilet paper for a while now huh? tee hee

Delightfully satisfied today with the clearing of this lot of STUFF, we are happy to have MORE empty boxes in our garage. Now to get them out of there!

Oh, and I haven't forgotten about showing you the completed craft room/office area. Yes, it was a hearty detail to leave me stiff and sore for days, but it was done and I have the pictures to prove it. The only things remaining are pictures and smaller shelving to hang up and then, what a GRAND room for me to work in. Stay tuned....