Monday, March 23, 2009

Real life mud slinging

Thanks to our daughter's horse riding instructor, our teens were introduced to her boys and enjoyed a wonderful night around a bonfire this weekend, invited to meet and celebrate her son's birthday.

The evening proved to be a huge success with parents, grandparents, a few friends and the family dogs hanging around the huge fire. As typical as life in the country can be, a few old trucks were backed up towards the fire, tailgates down, people sitting on them and cowboy boots dangling from their feet. All except for our teens, they had tennis shoes on, you know, regular teen footwear.

As the music sounded in the air, both our teens realized these were serious country music fans, and one of ours had a hard time handling the variety of twang and farmish style beats, ya know, two stepping kind of toe tapping music. *smile*

At the end of the day, it was a social hit, and a few very nice local teens/young adults were now fast becoming neighborhood friends. An older crowd for our gang, they both commented on how mature all these folks were, the hard work expected for those living on a farm with their family commitments ahead. Many times over our son was offered jobs for the coming months, crop time field work, something to consider I reckon.

City slickers gathering new country experiences

The real life mud slinging invitation arrived, something folks do FOR FUN around these parts, but our teens were not really country savvy and had no real clue what might await them at their own expense. Shoot, they are still city slickers for the most part, but are fast becoming wiser no doubt.

Away they went....

The next invitation came to get some quad riding in around the horse trails on the horse instructor's farm. Within the 100 acres, there are miles of trail riding and several of the young folks were wanting to break in our gang after finding out they had never been part of this so called; Fun? The two brothers drove up to our home a block or so away to pick up our gang, next stop was for helmets at our insistance. Naturally, they were all smiles heading out.

The sun was shining but the air was cold, and I had hoped our teens were dressed warm enough for the experience ahead. They assured me they were so I stopped my mothering nags and let them be on their way. My oh my, what nice boys these two were, such nice gentlemanly and well mannered boys at that.

When we heard the rumble of engines outside, not only did we find out what really happened on these "quad riding" expeditions, we roared with laughter when we saw the results of the experience right before our eyes! Mud from head to toe! Laughing and cold, they announced they could hardly wait to try it all again! Was I hearing right? LOL

Check them out - Mud from head to toe!

They rode these machines alright at a nice easy speed until they got the hang of it all. And then the stakes grew higher when everyone began to race around the thawed water area out back on their property, attempting to spray one another with the muck and guck under the water's surface. Waves of the stuff whooshed across both units and I wonder if you can tell who was splattered with a bull's eye most often in the photo below. Oh, and getting stuck in three feet of mud was supposed to be fun too, just ask our teens.

Forced to partially disrobe in the garage, both were still
muddy after shaking off all of their excess splatterings.

When in the east and living in the country, get all those rare new experiences you can right? Oh my! Real life mud slinging! And they loved it! Who would have thunk it? LOL