Saturday, March 21, 2009

One more week, they said...

One more week, they said...

There was no respiratory bootcamp graduation celebration this weekend. The hospital where my husband remains as an in-patient to date has chosen not to discharge him after six weeks on the program. Since he was making great strides the past two weeks, the medical staff want to keep up with his progress and don't feel he is ready to graduate just yet. One more week they say, to work harder at walking and treadmill pacing, more conserving energy courses and of course the rest of the personalized twelve hour per day scheduling. ugh.

Just to remain with chin up, a sweet blogging friend has encouraged me to remember "Lucky 7" and of course, on Monday when we head into Week 7, I will think of that every day. :-) Thank you A and thanks so much to everyone else who keeps on cheering for him in all the many ways blessing not just him, our entire family as well.