Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Twelve Chosen ones...progress

Lent Link-Up

Sneak previews of our children's progress on their
Lenten/Liturgical year crafty projects; those of making paper dolls to represent the Twelve Chosen Apostles, and story disks to represent Saints throughout the Liturgical year.

"The Twelve Apostles" story disks with their symbols

Our children are busy beavers, busily creating, cutting, gluing, and dressing their paper dolls. It has been a pleasure to watch how focused and all absorbed they become with regards to the detailing on each project, especially once they begin to clip, trim, choose colors and symbols to represent each paper doll.

St. Peter and two of his symbols
(Dangling keys are on their way to hang from his hand next)

St. James the Elder
(symbols forthcoming)

St. Philip
(with his loaf of bread symbol

More are almost complete, and this weekend the children exclaimed they forgot to make sandals for all of their feet. Oh my, what a dilemma!

They are also all finished their story disks, and the laminator will soon be toasty hot to protect them from this day forward.

Theme Saints and their symbols to use around the year
(story type disks to use for geography work on our large map)

***P.S. You can read my original blog post about the beginning of this project by clicking HERE f or - The twelve chosen ones

You can find many more Lenten activities, ideas and thoughts
by clicking HERE to Catholic Icing.