Saturday, March 21, 2009

Ten things I'm thankful for....

1 - I'm thankful for "clear" roads and "sunny" blue skies, even when it's still below 0 degrees!

2 - I'm thankful for love package gifties from the Westcoast and in this case, gifties from Vancouver Island and the high tea land of Victoria and the Empress Hotel. Thank you mom & dad... xx

3 - I'm thankful for organized and tidy teens these days, able to keep their "stuff" all sorted and maintain schooling areas to keep everything clean. This is any parent's dream isn't it?

4 - I'm thankful for PINK Energizer bunnies that saved me the day after I had the wits scared out of me at 2am when the alarm system began to sound and wake me up. My heartbeat was so loud, it seemed to pull and push the walls in and out with its heavy beating.

A few hours later after investigating with both the monitoring company and alarm system provider, both informed to it wasn't them. After having an early morning visit from the electrician who worked on the home, I was informed it was the battery warning signal from the smoke detector system, all attached to the alarm burglar system.

What a crazy night! Did I even dare to breathe later on? ugh, ugh, ugh.... Batteries are now replaced. And then when the doorbells didn't work any longer the same day, guess what they required as well? Yes, batteries. Crazy.

5 - I'm thankful for "little things", items responsible for making huge differences around here in the organization department.

.....To be able to have my hubby's ties all hung up again with his belts and shoe horn, and then the exercise equipment he requires on another rack available at an easy reach, it's great to have them up again. Ahhhhh.......

6 - I'm thankful for "Bandwagon jumpers" around our home, another child adding to the bathroom counter shrine collection on Friday evenings, just in time for my hubby to arrive home. He's had to begin wondering what he'll encounter as a surprise love offering awaiting him next on the countertop there, and can't help but smile every time when his heart melts.

Our son grabbed a photo of the two of them when we were able to visit at the hospital, and printed it off, all 8 x 10 color imaging and all on my printer/scanner. Tell me, do YOU think I might have any ink leftover? hee hee

Here are two more examples this week....

....and so, the loving continues to grow for daddy and grandpa....believe me. I'll have to make a scrapbook for the many items in my husband's memory drawer and bathroom counter areas. :-)

7 - I'm thankful for thoughts of love for our family residing back home on the Westcoast, all of whom we think about day and night. Love and hugs to you all!

8 - I'm thankful for empty boxes and things getting in order in the learning room. These two shelving units have sparked much interest again for math and language games and learning. It's another one of those "mother's dreams" to have her children eagerly working away, driven solely by self motivation.

9 - I'm thankful for a large beautiful body of water nearby and the panoramic views it offers to any weary soul.

Anytime is beach time folks. Even in winter! :-)

10 - I'm thankful for Christmas in March! Yes, that's right! Sweet surprises at the post office became something for everyone to get so excited about, and happy squeals filled the air with surround sound in my head. Thanks Aaron and Jenn. Love you.