Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Out on a horse hack

Out on a Horse Hack

Again the early morning sun was generous with its warmth. All the sounds dear to a horseman were around me - the snort of the horses as they cleared their throats, the gentle swish of their tails, the tinkle of irons as we flung the saddles over their backs - little sounds of no importance, but they stay in the unconscious library of memory.

~ Wynford Vaughan-Thomas

The weather has improved greatly over the past week here. Even in our heavily treed area, there is much snow on the ground, though it is melting nicely.

Three horsewoman trotted down our road the other day, such a nice sight to see. When they were nearer to our home, immediately we recognized the one on the left side of the first picture below. It was our daughter!

After her formal lesson, her instructor told the girls to go ahead and take them out for a ride through the neighborhood. There they were on our road coming right for our home.

Our youngest daughter (another horse lover) bolted to the end of the driveway in anticipation of their arrival. The rest of us were viewing from windows inside, and I of course wasn't without my camera to record the event.

A lovely horse is always an experience... It is an emotional experience of the
kind that is spoiled by words.

~ Beryl Markham